
Logo Artwork

Robots Love Hot Sauce Logo

The Robots Love Hot Sauce logo was modified from the one I created for my technology site, Circuits and Code. I made both logos using Inkscape but for this one I also modified some existing creative commons images. Those artists are credited below.

All of the artwork featured on Robots Love Hot Sauce, including all labels and logos are © Copyright 2019 – 2022 Chris Hansen.

Creative Commons Image Credit

Images by Delapouite:
* Beer Bottle
* Chili Pepper
* Heart Wings

Images by Lorc:
* Circuitry
* Drop

Label Artwork

All of the artwork used on the labels is original and created by my daughters. They earn a little bit of money for each label drawn and enjoy participating in the gifts my family gives away each year. I take the images that my daughters draw, scan them into the computer, and use Inkscape to fit them onto a label, add fonts, and fix minor issues.

Each sauce has its own page that features the original image created by my daughters.

Hand Drawn Artwork

Both of my daughters have created a lot of artwork using paper and crayons. I would cut the paper into squares first to make sure the finished image would fit on the labels.

Original Artwork 2

Crayon artwork by my youngest daughter – these were used on various labels in 2021.

Original Artwork 3

Crayon artwork by my oldest daughter. These were used on labels in 2020.

Software Used for Artwork

Infinite Painter Logo
Infinite Painter
Inkscape Logo

In 2021, my oldest daughter switched from using crayons, markers, and pencils, to drawing digitally with Infinite Painter on Android. The app is also available for iOS devices. This allowed her to be able to edit her drawings more easily and move elements around to make room for hot sauce names. This is my favorite drawing app and I was very excited to teach it to my daughter.

I do all of graphic design (such as it is) and image editing for the hot sauce labels using Inkscape. This is a free and open source svg image editor that allows me to add and manipulate fonts and other graphic elements where needed. I drew the robot from the logo above from shapes I created in Inkscape. The learning curve is a little more difficult than some other art applications, but once you get down the basics, there isn’t much you can’t do in it.

I’m not affiliated with or sponsored by either of these tools. I just like and recommend them.

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