Anaheim Dream (2021)

This year’s Anaheim Dream follows roughly the same recipe as last year’s did – but with the addition of several Mad Hatter Peppers. I had a ton in my garden and thought they would be fun to mix in with the rest of the peppers. The sauce is still very mild and is great on any food. Unlike in 2020, I only made this sauce using the Mash Fermentation method in 2021.

Heat Level: Mild
Fermentation Type: Mash
Pepper Base: Anaheim

2021 Anaheim Dream Hot Sauce

A bottle of Anaheim Dream (2021 Edition)

Preparing the Sauce

Mad Hatter Pepper

The mad hatter pepper is named for it’s distinctive shape and vibrant colors. This year I had red, yellow, and orange peppers – all of which found their way into Anaheim Dream!

Original Artwork

2021 Anaheim Dream Original Art

An updated recipe calls for new original artwork by my daughter. This year she took the name literally and illustrated an Anaheim peppers dreaming of a fun vacation in Anaheim California. The artwork was done on Infinite Painter.

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