Jalapiñeapple was, as the name suggests, a fruity hot sauce made from fermented green jalapeños and pineapple. The heat level came out at a solid medium and the flavors paired up pretty nicely (although if I’m being honest, the resulting color was not my favorite). This sauce is part of the 2020 Season Sauces.
Usually I make the sauce and then think of a name later. But in this case, I thought of the name and built a recipe around it.
Heat Level: Medium
Fermentation Type: Brine
Pepper Base: Jalapeño

A bottle of Jalapiñeapple.
Preparing the Sauce

A collection of freshly bottled Jalapiñeapple sauces.
Original Artwork

Original Artwork by my daughter. A pineapple and jalapeño find love in a tropical paradise!