This was probably the spiciest sauce I made in 2020. It is a modified version of this Roasted Ghost Pepper Sauce. This is my only non-fermented sauce – the preservation is done simply by adding vinegar to the other ingredients. This sauce is made by roasting carrots and ghost peppers in the oven. It has a remarkably sweet taste and a very strong heat level. I love that it also retains its bright orange color from the carrots. This was part of the 2020 Season Sauces.
The name of the sauce was the result of a brainstorming session between my daughter and I. We loved the imagery of a carrot encountering a horrifying ghost. We had recently seen the excellent Phantasmagoria exhibit at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and I loved having the ability to use that word in the name of a sauce.
Heat Level: Super Hot
Fermentation Type: N/A
Pepper Base: Ghost

A bottle of Mr. Carrot’s Phantasmagoria
Preparing the Sauce

This sauce was made with all the ghost peppers I had left from my garden. Their orange color went well with the carrots!
Original Artwork

Original artwork by my daughter. Mr. Carrot facing his nightmares!