Heat Inoculation

Heat Inoculation is an assortment of brine fermented peppers from my 2020 garden. I let the sauce ferment for almost a full year. We locked down in 2020 to protect some immunocompromised family members so I decided to not open this fermentation jar until vaccines were available (hoping that would mark the end of the pandemic).

I don’t normally let sauces ferment this long and was happy to discover a very unique flavor upon opening the jar. This was one of my favorites of 2021. I only gave this hot sauce to fully vaccinated friends and family.

Heat Level: Medium
Fermentation Type: Brine
Pepper Base: Variety

2021 Heat Inoculation Hot Sauce

A bottle of Heat Inoculation

Original Artwork

2021 Heat Inoculation Original Art

Original Artwork by my daughter. Delicious pepper flavor to inject directly into your veins! This was done in Infinite Painter.

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