Garden Salsa

I have made salsa for friends and coworkers for many years, but 2021 was the first year I made a label for it. I grow a variety of heirloom tomatoes and most salsas were a mix of whatever was ripe at the time.

There were a few exceptions, such as an a salsa made from all orange tomatoes (Kellogg’s Breakfast and Moonglow tomatoes) and a smoked salsa made from cherry tomatoes.

All of my salsa have a mild to medium heat range.

2021 Garden Salsa

A pint jar of Garden Salsa

Preparing the Salsa

2021 Salsa Tomatoes

A few of the heirloom tomatoes used in salsas. This photo includes Mushroom Basket, Moonglow, Brandywine, and various other tomatoes.

2021 Salsa Cooking

A large pot of salsa boiling before canning.

Smoked Salsa Preparation

A tray of cherry tomatoes, hole mole and jalapeno peppers, onions, and garlic ready to go on the smoker for a batch of smoked salsa.

Original Artwork

Original artwork by my daughter. This scene – which is much more pastoral than my actual garden – was drawn on Infinite Painter.

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