Strawberry Hatch is one of the few sauces in the 2020 Season that was not made from peppers grown in my garden. I bought a big bag of hatch peppers from a local grocery store and roasted and froze most of them. But I saved enough to make a big batch of this fruity sauce.
After fermenting the peppers and strawberry together, I blended it. I loved that you can still see tiny bits of strawberry in the final sauce.
Heat Level: Medium
Fermentation Type: Brine
Pepper Base: Hatch
Preparing the Sauce
All the ingredients after two or three weeks of fermentation. The fresh strawberries lost much of their lovely red color but retained their amazing flavor!
Original Artwork
The original artwork by my daughter. In the image of the hot sauce bottle above, you’ll see a lot more red fruit than is in this image. After printing the labels, we felt they needed a bit more color (and more strawberries), so she added the color with a red pencil.